For: Adults
Ministries under Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion:
Parish Ministry
Hospital Ministry
Nursing Home Visitation
Homebound Visitation
This is a ministry of bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God in a dignified and reverent manner. It also witnesses faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice. The ministry should, therefore, be treated with utmost dignity and reverence.
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are part of the faithful that form a holy people. They are to take an active part in Mass by joining in the prayers and the singing, hearing the word of God, and in the common offering of Sacrifice.
Ministry: Assist priests and deacons in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ. Take the Eucharist and regularly pray with homebound parishioners, hospital patients, and nursing home residents. Assist in the distribution of other materials after mass as needed.
Time: One Mass or more monthly (arrive 15 minutes before Mass), attend two initial training sessions and ongoing formation sessions as needed. Ministers who assist with hospital, nursing home, or homebound, visit hospitals and nursing homes when requested and attend additional training sessions.
Special Skills: Must be at least 18 years of age, have a love and reverence for the Eucharist, ease in public settings, be a Catholic who has received Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be assumed. Must be a member of the Parish and comply with diocesan requirements of completing a background check and creating and maintaining a safe environment class. Must be reverential, respectful of his or her faith and the Blessed Sacrament, and good moral character.