Study Links
Writings of the Church Fathers
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Book Recommendations for Learning about the Catholic Faith
Adams, Karl – The Spirit of Catholicism
Akin, Jimmy – The Fathers Know Best
Anselm, Saint – Proslogion
Aquilina, Mike - The Fathers of the Church
Aquinas, Saint Thomas - Compendium of Theology (Shorter Summa)
Aquinas, Saint Thomas - Summa Contra Gentiles
Aquinas, Saint Thomas - Summa Theologica
Augustine, Saint - City of God
Barber, Michael - Coming Soon: Unlocking the Book of Revelation
Barron, Fr. Robert – Catholicism
Belloc, Hilaire – Characters of the Reformation
Belloc, Hilaire – The Crisis of Civilization
Belloc, Hilaire – The Crusades
Belloc, Hilaire – Europe and the Faith
Belloc, Hilaire – The Great Heresies
Belloc, Hilaire – How the Reformation Happened
Belloc, Hilaire – Survivals and New Arrivals
Bennett, Rod – Four Witnesses
Boethius – The Consolation of Philosophy
Bouyer, Louis – Spirit and Forms of Protestantism
Butler, Scott, Norman Dahlgren, and David Hess - Jesus, Peter & the Keys: A Scriptural Handbook on the Papacy
Burke, Raymond - Mariology: A Guide for Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, and Consecrated Persons
Carroll, Warren – History of Christendom (Multiple Volumes)
Chautard, Jean-Baptiste – The Soul of the Apostolate
Chesterton, G.K. - The Everlasting Man
Chesterton, G.K. – Heretics
Chesterton, G.K. – Orthodoxy
Chesterton, G.K. - St. Thomas Aquinas & St. Francis of Assisi
Cobbett, William – A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland
Copleston, Frederick - A History of Philosophy (Multiple Volumes)
Currie, David – Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic
Dante - The Divine Comedy
Dawson, Christopher - Religion and the Rise of Western Culture
Denzinger, Henry – The Sources of Catholic Dogma
Dubay, Fr. Thomas – The Evidential Power of Beauty: Science and Theology Meet
Dulles, Avery Cardinal – A History of Apologetics
Dupuis, Jacques – The Christian Faith: In the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church
Eberstadt, Mary – Adam and Eve After the Pill
Eusebius - The History of the Church: From Christ to Constantine
Francis de Sales, Saint – The Catholic Controversy
Gibbons, James Cardinal - The Faith of Our Fathers
Girgis, Sherif, Ryan T. Anderson, and Robert P. George – What is Marriage?
Graham, Fr. Henry G. – Where We Got the Bible
Hahn, Scott & Kimberly – Rome Sweet Home
Hahn, Scott – Catholic Bible Dictionary
Hahn, Scott – Reasons to Believe: How to Understand, Explain, and Defend the Catholic Faith
Hahn, Scott – Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots
Hardon, John - The Catholic Catechism
Hitchcock, James – History of the Catholic Church
Howard, Thomas – Evangelical is Not Enough
Howard, Thomas – On Being Catholic
Ignatius of Antioch – Letters
Jurgens, William - The Faith of the Early Fathers (3 Volumes)
Keating, Karl – Catholicism and Fundamentalism
Kelly, Matthew – The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic (especially chapter 3)
Kelly, Matthew – Rediscover Catholicism
Klein, Peter - The Catholic Sourcebook
Kreeft, Peter and Fr. Ronald Tacelli – Handbook of Catholic Apologetics
Kreeft, Peter – Catholic Christianity
Kreeft, Peter – Christianity for Modern Pagans
Lewis, C.S. – The Four Loves
Lewis, C.S. – The Great Divorce
Lewis, C.S. - Mere Christianity
Lewis, C.S. – Miracles
Lewis, C.S. – The Problem of Pain
Lewis, C.S. – The Screwtape Letters
Madden, Thomas F. - The New Concise History of the Crusades
Madrid, Patrick – Surprised by Truth (Multiple Volumes)
Meeker, Meg – Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
Michuta, Gary G. – Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger
More, Saint Thomas – Utopia
Newman, John Henry Cardinal - An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine
Newman, John Henry Cardinal - Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Newman, John Henry Cardinal - Idea of a University
Newman, John Henry Cardinal – Parochial and Plain Sermons
O’Hare, Msgr. Patrick F. – Facts About Luther
Ott, Ludwig - The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
Pascal, Blaise – Pensees
Peters, Joel – Scripture Alone? 21 Reasons to Reject Sola Scriptura
Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) – Called to Communion
Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) – Introduction to Christianity
Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) - Jesus of Nazareth (3 Volumes)
Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) – Love and Responsibility
Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) – Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body
Ray, Steve - Crossing the Tiber
Ray, Steve – Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church
Rops, Henri-Daniel - The Catholic Reformation
Rops, Henri-Daniel - The Church in the Dark Ages
Rose, Devin – If Protestantism is True: The Reformation Meets Rome
Sander, Rev. Dr. Nicolas – The Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism
Schoeman, Roy H. – Salvation is from the Jews
Sheed, Frank – A Map of Life
Sheed, Frank - Theology and Sanity
Sheed, Frank – Theology for Beginners
Sheen, Fulton – Three to Get Married
Soloviev, Vladimir - The Russian Church and the Papacy
Spitzer, Fr. Robert – New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy
Spitzer, Fr. Robert – Ten Universal Principles
Walsh, William Thomas – Characters of the Inquisition
Waugh, Evelyn - Brideshead Revisited
Weigel, George – The Courage to Be Catholic
Weigel, George – The Cube and the Cathedral
Weigel, George – Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II
West, Christopher – Good News About Sex and Marriage
Whitehead, Kenneth – One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic: The Early Church was the Catholic Church
Woods, Thomas E. – How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
Study Works with Multiple Authors
The Bible
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
Lumen Gentium, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
Gaudium et Spes, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
Church Documents Pertaining to Study
Catechesi Tradendae – John Paul II
Evangelium Vitae - John Paul II
Providentissimus Deus - Leo XIII
Redemptor Hominis - John Paul II
Redemptoris Mater - John Paul II
Veritatis Splendor - John Paul II
Study Resources for Small Groups
Catholicism (Word on Fire)
The Great Adventure: A Journey Through the Bible (Ascension Press)
Pillars: A Journey Through the Catechism (Ascension Press)
Symbolon (Augustine Institute) also avaiable for free on
Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs on Study
Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Sure Guide – Cardinal Arinze
Signs of Life: Catholic Customs and their Biblical Roots – Dr. Scott Hahn
On Tract with Christ
The following tracts cover a wide variety of Catholic topics, as one-page, easy-to-understand documents written for readers between the ages of 11 and adult. The tracts include topics tied to contemporary topics relation to the Church, the liturgical life of the Church, and important documents of the Church.
All Saints' Day
Declaration on Christian Education
Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
Freedom in Christ
Relativism in the Modern World
Enlaces a Sitios Web Estudio
Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, Compendio:
Compendio de la doctrina social de la Iglesia:
Libros Sobre Estudio
Adams, Karl – La esencia del Catolicismo
Anselmo, San – Proslogion
Tomás de Aquino, Santo – Suma contra los Gentiles
Tomás de Aquino, Santo – Suma teológica
Barron, Robert – Catolicismo: Un Viaje al corazon de la fe
Belloc, Hilaire – Las Cruzadas
Belloc, Hilaire – Europa y la fe
Boecio – La consolación de la filosofía
Chesterton, C.K. – El hombre eterno
Chesterton, C.K. – Herejes
Chesterton, C.K. – Ortodoxia
Chesterton, C.K. – San Francisco de Asís
Chesterton, C.K. – Santo Tomas de Aquino
Copleston, Frederick – Historia de la filosofía (varios volúmenes)
Dante – La divina comedia
Dawson, Christopher – La religion y el origen de la cultura occidental
Eberstadt, Mary – Adán y Eva después de la píldora
Hahn, Scott & Kimberly – El Regreso a Casa El Regreso a Roma
Hahn, Scott – La Fe es razonable: Como comprender; expilcar y defender la fe católica
Hahn, Scott – Signos de Vida
Kelly, Matthew – Redescubre el Catolicismo
Kreeft, Peter – Cristianismo para paganos modernos
Lewis, C.S. – Los cuatro amores
Lewis, C.S. – El gran divorcio
Lewis, C.S. – Los milagros
Lewis, C.S. – El problema del delor
Lewis, C.S. – Cartas del Diablo a su sobrino
Meeker, Meg – Padres fuertes, hijas felices
More, Santo Thomas – Utopía
Newman, John Henry Carindal – Sermones parroquiales
Ott, Ludwig – Manual de teologia dogmatica
Pascal, Blaise – Pensaminetos (O Pensees)
Papa Benedicto XVI – Introducción al Cristianismo
Papa Benedicto XVI – Jesús de Nazaret (3 volúmenes)
Papa Juan Pablo II – Amor y Responsabilidad
Schoeman, Roy H. – La Salvacion viene de los Judios
Sheed, Frank – Un mapa de tu vida
Walsh, William Thomas – Personajes de la Inquisicion
Waugh, Evelyn – Retorno a brideshead
Weigel, George – El coraje de ser Catolico
Weigel, George – Política sin Dios. Europa y América, el cubo y la catedral
Weigel, George – Biografia de Juan Pablo II - testigo de Esperanza
West, Christopher – Buena Nueva Sobre Sexo y Matrimonio
Woods, Thomas E. – Como la Iglesia construyo la civilizacion occidental
Encíclicas Sobre Estudio
Catechesi tradendae – Juan Pablo II
Evangelium vitae – Juan Pablo II
Fides et ratio – Juan Pablo II
Humanae vitae – Pablo VI
Providentissimus deus – León XIII
Redempter hominis – Juan Pablo II
Redemptoris mater – Juan Pablo II
Spe salvi – Benedicto XVI
Veritatis splendor – Juan Pablo II
Estudio Recursos para los Grupos Pequeños
Libros de Estudio con Múltiples Autores
La Biblia
Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica Compendio
Compendio de la doctrina social de la Iglesia
YOUCAT Español
Lumen gentium
Constitución pastoral gaudium et spes sobre la Iglesia en el mundo actual